New Name, New Page, Same O'l Taste....

Why we change our name? "Well the reason why is...??... we're change our range of music. With ever new bands we listen too, we get inspired and pick up new style. We don't steel their stuff, but we tweak out our music with their yummy yummy influence."


Quick lil de'scrip: Not Even Sacred is a local Woodstock ON. Ca. Punk/ Emo/ Whatever we feel like band. Our roots run deep into the punk scene, but we feel that the scene is starting to get old, and over run with bands.

Band Members Consist of:

John (Skank Balls) Howlett, Kevin (Skooby) Vyse, Ryan (Hamish) Fawcett.


Got Stuff?: We're looking for your stuff... Link, Pix, Show, Poo?... well whatever... We want to find out about our fan (if there is any), send your stuff too________.


This is a N.E.S.™ Page. All images belong too N.E.S.™ and are copywired by N.E.S™.© 2002. Special thanx goes too Chris Yeoman®, for images and page layout...We also like to eat, alot of poo. On warm sunny days in August....